Section 450: Harness the Wind – Green Engineering

Section 450: Harness the Wind – Green Engineering

This section introduces students to the engineering profession by exploring the engineering challenges to using renewable energy as a “green” alternative to fossil fuels. Students learn concepts of renewable energy, culminating in a team-based term project to produce a device that scavenges wind energy to perform a task.

Section 150: A River Runs Through It

Section 150: A River Runs Through It

A river runs through natural settings, a river runs through urban environments. Most rivers in the world have been impacted by human activities. Our goal is to gain a solid understanding of river dynamics and related ecosystem services. As engineers, we will learn methods and tools to restore habitats for certain aquatic species, stabilize banks, and rehabilitate important natural functions in urban streams.

Section 910: Socially Engaged Design of Nuclear Energy Technologies

Section 910: Socially Engaged Design of Nuclear Energy Technologies

As more people experience the real impacts of climate change, the need for strategic collaboration between design experts and local communities has become more urgent. In this section, you will use XR technologies to learn socially-engaged design and community outreach related to nuclear technologies for global decarbonization.