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ENGR 100.510:  Design in Reverse: Dissecting Modern Medical Devices (BME)


David Greenspan (TechComm),

Samuel Jensen (TechComm),

Melissa Wrobel (BME)

Winter Term

“Students start with a product, over-the-counter like medical devices, something someone would buy off Amazon. They test, they disassemble, and then in the second half now we’re brainstorming redesigns.”

– Melissa Wrobel, Faculty

Course Description:

Interested in BME or the healthcare industry?  This section could be for you! Join us for a deep dive into the high-stakes world of technology and human health.  Biomedical engineers design, redesign, and test devices that improve the treatment, diagnosis, and monitoring of important health challenges facing humanity today. This section will let you experience this process hands-on with real medical devices. We will explore:

    • Stakeholder analysis (e.g., interviewing clinicians and patients)
    • Ethical, legal, social, environmental, and economic implications that underlie every decision a biomedical engineer makes
    • Statistics, regulatory bodies (e.g., FDA), and patent law to understand bringing a new device into the world

Term Project:

Reverse engineer an existing medical device and brainstorm innovations to the original design in order improve accessibility, affordability, efficacy, and safety


Collecting, graphing, and analyzing data from blood glucose meters, detecting blue light transmittance through coated lenses, benchmark testing of project devices to meet industry standards (e.g., ISO, ASTM), and user/usability testing of redesign mockups

Drawing of a robot holding sign that says “I love ENGR 100” on whiteboard
Student drilling two pieces of wood together
Black toolbox filled with colorful parts on table in front of classroom