Melissa Wrobel Headshot

Melissa Wrobel

Lecturer III

Biomedical Engineering (BME)

Office: 2224 Lurie Biomedical Engineering Building



Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering, Wayne State University
M.S.E. Biomedical Engineering, Wayne State University
B.S.E. Materials Science and Engineering, University of Michigan
Research / Professional Interests: 

Past research experiences in tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, and biomaterials for nerve regeneration. Current education research interests include cooperative learning environments, novel assessment methods, oral communication and peer feedback, and teaching inclusively.

Other Courses Taught:

BIOMEDE 221: Biophysical Chemistry & Thermodynamics, BIOMEDE 450: Biomedical Engineering Design

Hobby / Fun Fact:

I enjoy playing board games and Pokemon Go, and cuddling with my two cats, Max and Kirby. I am in the process of trying to (tent) camp my way across Michigan’s entire state park system.