Section 330: The Rise of Wearable Electronics

Section 330: The Rise of Wearable Electronics

In this course, we will provide a comprehensive introduction to the captivating realm of wearable electronics.This course combines material physics, chemistry, and engineering, based on which we can create wearable electronics that are reshaping the future of renewable energy, healthcare, and soft robotics.

Section 130: Sustainable Materials and User-Centered Design

Section 130: Sustainable Materials and User-Centered Design

How can we make engineering more sustainable and more beneficial to people and the environment? If that’s a question you care about, this is the E100 section for you. This is a course about sustainable materials and user-centered engineering design. Our goal is to teach sustainable engineering practices that will be useful to nearly all engineers.

Section 120: The Greatest Materials of All Time

Section 120: The Greatest Materials of All Time

“Stone Age,” “Iron Age,” “Silicon Valley” – these terms reflect major aspects of human civilization. From textiles to sugar, to transistors and smartphones – various products have proven critical developments in human history. What materials made them possible? What new industries did they spawn? What new problems did they create? What might come next?