Headshot of Fatima Albrehi

Tim Chambers

Lecturer III

Materials Science & Engineering (MSE)

ENGR 100 Section 130

Office: 2014 Dow

Email: timchamb@umich.edu


Ph.D. University of Arizona, Physics
B.S. University of Michigan (Go Blue!), Physics

Research / Professional Interests: 

Investigation of teaching and learning in STEM fields, particularly in lab-based and experiential environments. Research-based curriculum design, and psychometric and statistical methods for quantification of learning. Additionally, I am interested in materials archaeology and historical materials technologies.

Other Courses Taught:

MATSCIE 360: Materials Lab I, MATSCIE 365: Materials Lab II

Hobby / Fun Fact:

My main hobby is music, especially rock, and I play several instruments. I also love learning languages, cooking (and eating!), gaming, and being dad to a flock of chickens and my dog.