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ENGR 100.980:  Rocket Science (CLaSP)


Alan Hogg (TechComm),

David Greenspan (TechComm),

Chris Ruf (CLaSP)

Fall Term

“What we try to stress in this particular section is, how to take a very large question or problem, break it down into components, and then try to analyze each of those components.”

– Aaron Ridley

Course Description:

Rocket science, how we use rockets to move stuff around the Earth and throughout the solar system, is a confluence of several engineering fields including mechanical, aerospace, and electrical engineering as well as computer science. When a system is built, its performance is measured and compared against expectations given the design. In this section, you will learn the skills to design, build and deploy a sensor package to measure the performance of a small rocket that you will also design and build. You will learn:

    • Practical skills from several engineering fields including CAD and using and programming a microcontroller
    • Solving complex problems using the engineering method
    • Understanding the cycle of a project through the conception, requirements flowdown, design, build, test, deployment, analysis, documentation, and reporting processes.

Term Project:

Design, build, and deploy a small rocket with a sensor package in it. Measure the characteristics of the rocket’s flight and compare that against its expected performance


Collecting data with an Arduino microcontroller and analog sensors; designing systems with CAD; soldering; building and testing a system; and validation of performance using computer models.

Three students in goggles smiling and looking at laptop screen
Four students in goggles huddle over laptop
Instructor and three students working on circuit board together