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ENGR 100.910: Socially Engaged Design of Nuclear Energy Technologies (NERS)
Katie Snyder (TechComm),
Aditi Verma (NERS)
Fall Term

“We brought in VR because we saw it as an opportunity to give students hands-on experience with nuclear reactors, both fission and fusion.”
– Katie Snyder, Faculty

Course Description:
As more people experience the real impacts of climate change, the need for strategic collaboration between design experts and local communities has become more urgent. In this section, you will use XR technologies to learn socially-engaged design and community outreach related to nuclear technologies for global decarbonization. You will cover the following topics:
Nuclear reactor design – fission and fusion
Socially-engaged design strategies
Ethics, equity, and justice frameworks and their applications to engineering design
Term Project:
Use XR technologies to collaborate with community members and present a nuclear energy based decarbonization plan to key stakeholders
Working with XR technologies; Learning and applying survey, interview, and focus group based research strategies; GIS-based nuclear reactor siting tools; applying sociotechnical frameworks for assessing clean energy technologies