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ENGR 100.850: Robotics Mechanisms (ROB)
Kelly Bowker (TechComm),
Nabilah Khachab (TechComm),
Derrick Yeo (ROB)
Fall Term
Winter Term
“They’re going to be able to work with a lot of hardware, which is one of my favorite parts of the class because we get both to code and work with our hands at the same time.”
– Instructional Aide

Course Description:
Robotics systems are beginning to serve a broad range of new and diverse roles in multiple aspects of modern society. But how are these robots designed and how are they developed? You will learn:
Basic robot building and embedded programming skills
How to apply the design process to identify a problem and design a solution
Instrumentation orientation and digital signals; CODEBREAKER, Bouncy2000, Hand of ROB trio; Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Scanner; robot mission simulation; and CAD
Term Project:
Propose a robot application, research the problem and stakeholders, build proof of concept and simulation of application
Exposure to the electro-mechanical processes behind robotic sensing, decision-making, and actuation. Basic embedded software and state-machine formulation.