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ENGR 100.590: Wireless Microscopic Ore Rover (WMOR) (ME)
Fatima Albrehi (TechComm),
Xiaogan Liang (ME)
Winter Term
“The interesting thing with 590 is that you get to work with a lot of pretty high-tech stuff. Professor Liang brings in computer vision and lots of fancy radio control and autonomous electronics.”
– John Getsoian, Former ENGR 100 Lab Supervisor
Autonomous and remotely-controlled vehicles are important tools used for exploring terrestrial planets and planet-like moons. In this section, you will design, build, and test a rover system capable of collecting microscale ore particles from an emulated planet surface and transferring particle samples to the onboard microscope for material characterization. You will learn:
Knowledge and technical skills from a variety of engineering disciplines, including Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Materials Science, Computer Science, Robotics, and Optics
Concept proposal, design, fabrication, system integration, operation testing, data analysis, documentation, and presentation of project results
Fundamental hardware and software tools, CAD, 3D printing, image/video editing
Term Project:
Design, modify, and build a robotic rover with a mini-size optical microscope, robot arm, and set of optoelectronic/electronic devices
Soldering irons, oscilloscopes, transmitters/receivers, Arduino microcontrollers, and internet-of-things (IoT) devices