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ENGR 100.220: Bringing Innovative Technologies to Market (ADUE)
Michael Heeley (CFE),
Kelly Hanson (TechComm)
Winter Term
***New Section. Video coming soon.***
Course Description:
How do innovative technologies lead to new products? And how can you, as an engineer, identify valuable opportunities for new innovations? This section explores the intersections of engineering and business with a focus on identifying, developing, and evaluating the viability of new product opportunities for an innovative platform technology. In this class we will explore topics such as:
- Ideation
- Low-commitment prototyping or pretotyping
- Customer needs assessment
- Market identification and product economics
- Opportunity Evaluation using the lean canvas methodology
Term Project:
Work in teams to develop a new product offering based on a technological innovation.
Training in fabrication methods that can be used to build prototype components and products to generate customer feedback. Available fabrication resources include technologies such as 3D printers and scanners, laser cutters, and electronics workbenches.