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ENGR 100.200:  Design in the Real World (ADUE)


Ken Alfano (ADUE),

Annah Machas (TechComm),

Becky Roberson (TechComm)

Fall Term

Winter Term

Course Description:

In this multidisciplinary section, students learn how engineers combine a passion to improve people’s quality of life with the skills needed to do so effectively.  This course centers the engineering design process – the “heart” of engineering – in a manner that assumes no specialized knowledge and is largely applicable to most engineering disciplines.  Key aspects of the course include:

    • The major stages of the engineering design process (from problem definition, through ideation, prototyping and evaluation)
    • Additional considerations increasingly critical to engineering (sustainability, accessibility, intellectual property)
    • Relevant principles and skills for written and oral communication

Term Project: 

Developing a first-generation prototype, applying class concepts to experience the nuances of real situations and cultivate the judgment for open-ended tasks


Virtual modeling (CAD) and engineering simulation (CAE) activities

Drawing of a robot holding sign that says “I love ENGR 100” on whiteboard
Student drilling two pieces of wood together
Black toolbox filled with colorful parts on table in front of classroom