Max Shtein Headshot

Max Shtein


Materials Science & Engineering (MSE)

ENGR 100 Section 120

ENGR 100 Section 220


Office: 3051 W NCRC, Building 28



Ph.D. Princeton
B.A. UC Berkeley

Research / Professional Interests: 

Organic electronic and photonic materials and devices, energy conversion devices, new methods of additive and nano-manufacturing, sensors, and biomedical technology; principles of innovation, history of technology and technological revolutions, design and entrepreneurship.

Other Courses Taught: 

Quantum Mechanics, Solid State Physics, Senior Capstone Design, Tech-driven Entrepreneurship

Hobby / Fun Fact:

I raced road bikes in grad school, when I was better able to suppress self-preservation instincts, took a long break. I got back into riding more recently; some years I manage to ride 3-4,000 miles, mostly on dirt roads, mostly on fixed gear. I also re-discovered tennis after a long hiatus, which I now find much more of a meditative experience than in my youth.