Roger De Roo Headshot

Roger De Roo

Lecturer IV

Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering (CLaSP)

ENGR 100 Section 450

Office: 2543D Climate & Space Research Building



Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan
M.S.E. Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan
B.S.E. Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan
B.S. Letters & Engineering, Calvin College

Research / Professional Interests: 

Microwave Remote Sensing (eg. RADAR) for environmental monitoring

Other Courses Taught:

EECS 215: Introduction to Linear Circuits, CLIMATE 105: Our Changing Atmosphere, CLaSP 324: Instrumentation for Atmosphere and Space, CLaSP 455: Senior Capstone Experience

Hobby / Fun Fact:

I’m an avid bicyclist and dabble in DIY.