Nathan Byrne Headshot

Nathan Byrne

Lecturer I

Art and Design (STAMPS)

ENGR 100 Section 210

Office: N/A



M.F.A. Art,  Stamps School of Art & Design, University of Michigan
B.A. Studio Art and Art History, San Francisco State University

Research / Professional Interests: 

Interdisciplinary creative practice grounded in projects which engage with embodied experience and perception. These projects often materialize in site-responsive and archive-responsive modalities such as installation, sculpture, and writing.

Other Courses Taught:

ARTDES 120 Studio 3D, ARTDES 130 Methods of Inquiry, ARTDES 151 Art and Design History, ARTDES 150 Art and Design in Context, and ARTDES 100 Drawing Observation

Hobby / Fun Fact:

Deep interest in vintage bicycles from the 90s, though recently built a retro-looking contemporary mountain bike. Moving-image and vinyl record enthusiast.