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ENGR 100.150: A River Runs Through It (CEE)
Ella Alhudithi (TechComm),
Aline Cotel (CEE),
Robert Sulewski (TechComm)
Fall Term
“If you like the idea of designing something brand new, to help the environment, to help deal with the problems that we are facing globally, this [section] is certainly a wonderful choice.”
Robert Sulewski, Faculty
Course Description:
A river runs through natural settings, a river runs through urban environments. Most rivers in the world have been impacted by human activities. Our goal is to gain a solid understanding of river dynamics and related ecosystem services. As engineers in this course, you will learn:
Fundamental scientific principles at play in aquatic environments
Methods to restore habitats for specific ecosystem functions and services
Monitoring tools for long-term sustainable assessment of stream health
Term Project:
Investigate local stream conditions, identify specific ecosystem functions in need of restoration, design and test a scaled-down prototype (depending on solution chosen) based on local biota needs
Use laboratory and field diagnostic tools; quantify dominant hydraulic, ecological and biological parameters defining stream health at a local stream field site