Headshot of Fatima Albrehi

Justin Roelofs

Laboratory/Classroom Services Supervisor

Office: 108 Gorguze Family Laboratory (GFL)

Email: jwroelof@umich.edu


B.S.E. University of Michigan 2006 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Research / Professional Interests: 

Facilitating learning by helping students build the things they need for their research and education.

How I support E100:

I supervise a lab that serves multiple sections of E100. I am here to help the students work safely and productively for the in-lab component of their classes.

Hobby / Fun Fact:

My hobbies are mountain biking, sailing, canoeing, running, woodworking, welding and boatbuilding. Fun fact: My wife and I rode from CT to WA on a tandem bicycle in 2013, and we still ride tandem today.