Dan Moyer Headshot

Dan Moyer

Lecturer III

Technical Communication (TechComm)

ENGR 100 Section 300

ENGR 100 Section 750

ENGR 100 Section 830

ENGR 100 Section 900

Office: 323 Gorguze Family Laboratory (GFL)

Email: dgmoyer@umich.edu


M.A. Creative Writing, Eastern Michigan University
B.S. Written Communication, Eastern Michigan University

Research / Professional Interests: 

Research interests include writing administration and STEM/STEAM pedagogies and
assessment. Professional interests on ethics within Engineering disciplines, writing as a
process, and creating community within the classroom. Creative pursuits in linked short stories
and hybrid writing.

Other Courses Taught: 

TC 300

Hobby / Fun Fact:

I have three fantastic kids, and a pretty cool wife–we love soccer, snowboarding, and most of us enjoy camping.